Manufacturers Strapping Tool Warranties.
WARRANTIES of 12 months from date of purchase apply to all Strapping Tools offered by PSCL that are manufactured in Europe and USA. The warranties cover faults arising from poor workmanship or faulty materials. They do not cover malfunctions arising from attempted end user repair, lack of routine maintenance, accidental damage, abuse or fair wear and tear, or failure to operate the tool in accordance with advice given. Warranties of 3 months from date of purchase apply to strapping tools manufactured in Asia/Far East and offered by PSCL. Strapping Tools in this category are generally limited to simple tensioners and sealers.
Both warranties require any strapping tool subject to warranty claim to be returned to us for inspection, carriage paid, and PSCL reserve the right to repair or replace at their discretion any qualifying strapping tool.
Strapping Tools sent back to PSCL for repair will have an estimate prepared that will be forwarded to the customer to obtain agreement or otherwise for the repair to proceed. Should instruction to repair not be given then the cost of the inspection and return postage will be chargeable, and the tool returned at customer risk once authorisation for the cost is received.
Any strapping tools received for repair will be disposed of without notice after 6 months without any recompense should written instructions not be received during that period.
Note also that should a strapping tool be received and subsequent inspection - dissasembly occur for the pupose of identifying faults etc but instructions are received by PSCL not to proceed with remedial action, then a minimum charge of £45 plus VAT will be made to cover administration, reassembly and postage costs. Tool will be returned by carrier at no risk to PSCL.
REPAIR: The strapping tool will be inspected – cause of malfunction identified and component(s) replaced such that the tool is returned to working condition. Note that other components identified as being worn but still operational will not be replaced.
SERVICE: The strapping tool will be inspected and repaired as above but a judgement will be made regarding the ‘wear status’ of other components and if it is considered that these are likely to fail within a two – three month period will be replaced. Do bear in mind however that although the decision to replace components is a judgement based on many years experience, note also that it is not an exact science, and does not rule out the possibility of further strapping tool failure within the period.