Battery banding tools fall into a number of categories.

Categories are:

Those battery banding tools manufactured in Europe/USA - the two most popular and reliable brands have a 40 year manufacturing pedigree so it is reasonable to assume that any engineering problems were resolved long ago.... thats why they are the brand leaders worldwide. The brand leader worldwide is the SBXT-2 because it is the most robust and reliable and very easy to service when required. Click this link - Friction Weld Strapping Tool repair to see a short video  

And click this one to see it being used Pallet Strapping Made Easy


Friction Weld tool

The others...

Those battery banding tools that have a rather shorter manufacturing history and are produced elsewhere in the world. They are of course cheaper to aquire by virture of the different geographic sources but the percieved saving can prove to be illusory as the build quality and ergonomic characteristics are different to those of the Brand Leaders.

Battery Powered Banding Tool

Having said that there are still issues with the suppliers of all these battery banding tools as the cost for the same repair to the same brand of tool with the same fault/repair issue can vary by as much as 300%, so robustness, reliability and supplier really are key points for consideration by any Company considering the purchase of such equipment.

Supplier for the cheaper tools are generally general catalogue packaging merchants. Specialist strapping companies will in general only offer the top quality banding tools.

To see a selection of the best banding tools with some of the lowest maintenance costs.

Contact information.