Toyota Hand Pallet Trucks
Pallet Pump Trucks and Plastic Strapping
Toyota Hand Pallet Trucks represent best state of the art and have been put to novel use by The Plastic Strapping Company Ltd who convert them such that they simultaneously place two plastic straps around a pallet in approx six seconds as it enters the pallet , prior to moving it,
Threading plastic straps under pallets is normally a tiring, slow process, but is done in less than half the time with these Toyota pallet trucks, and on completion the pallet, already located on the pallet truck, can be moved, so reducing handling costs and movements as well.
Click this link to see the Pallet Strapping Machine strap and move a pallet.
Toyota hand pallet truck conversions to pallet strapping devices are engineered exclusively by The Plastic Strapping Company Ltd, Nottingham U K and the full range of low cost mobile pallet strapping machines can be seen at