Since middle of 2021 there is a very discernible and growing trend for large volume users of pallet stretch film to revert back to the use of recycled plastic strapping on almost half the number of the pallets they handle, particularly that having 30% or more recycled content.
Here's what's prompting them, and it not just to improve their ECO credentials..
Massive distribution centres everywhere store millions of stretch wrapped pallets but nearly half of them don't need to be stretch wrapped particularly where the product has both inner and outer cartons. Manufacture of most occurs under cover, as does packing - storage - despatch - and delivery and although it's 'nice' to keep them dust free it's certainly not essential indicating an overuse of stretch film that's difficult to justify when there are more cost effective means of securing product onto pallets - and not eco friendly.
Other considerations... stretch film/roll is relatively cheap the cost of applying it is very expensive in terms of time and labour overhead regardless of whether it is applied manually or with a stretch wrap turntable. Manually applied it often requires a person to walk backwards in spirals in a stooped position enforcing an ergonomically poor and unsafe slow operation. Use of a motorised turntable is safer but just as expensive and time/resource hungry as the pallets generally need a fork lift truck and driver to load and unload the turntable - an operational expense frequently overlooked.
That's why these companies are reverting back to the use of recycled plastic strapping that can be applied without moving the pallets anywhere - reducing the number of pallet movements - and without requiring employees to walk back wards in spirals risking back injury - using mobile Strap Poka mobile strapping machines. A pallet can be strapped from start to finish in just 40 seconds using these machines. Apart from improving their eco credentials these companies also save thousands of pounds p.a.
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