Strapping timber and panel packs conventionally done in one of two ways - either manually with strapping hand tools - or with in line automatic and automated strapping machines, expensive to aquire - and to maintain, that generally fail to live up to projected performance levels. Strapping this type of pack manually with plastic strapping tools is also expensive due the time taken and the cost of labour that in UK can easily be 18 -20 pence a minute - it's easy to recognise therefore that 60 -80 - 100 pence/pack or more, depending on how many straps need to be applied, is disappearing out the despatch bay doors with every pack, every day, frequently amounting to thousands of pounds a year.
The Plastic Strapping Company Ltd Nottingham recognised many years ago that the most expensive part of the plastic strapping cycle was the time taken to get plastic straps around a pack when it introduced it's range of low cost mobile pallet strapping machines known as Strap Pokas, and has now applied the same principles to in line strapping applications such that up to six straps can be simultaneously applied around packs in approx six seconds - that makes this low cost maintenance free strapping equipment as fast as the sophisticated,and expensive automatic strapping machines, because they only generally apply one or two straps before having to reposition a pack before applying more straps.
The Plastic Strapping Company Ltd is well known for manufacturing bespoke low cost but very cost effective plastic strapping solutions in all Industries
Email us on or call 0115 9291212 to discuss your project and obtain advice.